Jacques Rupnik, born in Prague, was educated at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and at Harvard. He is currently research professor at CERI-Sciences Po in Paris as well as visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Since he joined CERI-Sciences Po in 1982, he has been writing and lecturing about the politics of East-Central and the Balkans and their process of European integration.
He was an advisor to President Václav Havel in the 1990s. He was executive director of the International Commission for the Balkans, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1995-1996); member of the Independent International Commission on Kosovo (1999-2000) and co-drafter of The Kosovo Report (Oxford UP, 2000). His various positions include: Advisor to the European Commission (2007-2010); Member of the board of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in the Hague 2010-2017. He has been a visiting Professor at several European universities and at Harvard.
Rupnik’s publications include The Other Europe (1989), Le Printemps tchécoslovaque 1968 (1999, with an introduction by V.Havel), 1989 as a Political World Event: Democracy, Europe and the new international system, (with an introduction by V. Havel, London, 2014), Géopolitique de la démocratization, l’Europe et ses voisinages, Presses de Sciences Po (2014), Europe at the Crossroads: Democracy, Neighbourhoods, Migrations, Prague, Václav Havel Library, 2018; Senza il muro, l’Europa et il mondo dopo il crollo del communismo, Rome, Donzelli, 2019.
His most recent publications in Czech are Střední Evropa je jako pták s očima vzadu, (Magnesia Litera award, 2019) and Josef Guttmann a osudy střední Evropy mezi Hitlerem a Stalinem (2023).